Graduate School Achievement Awards
Andrea Pope
Innovation Award
Assessment and Measurement
Sarah Koth
Civic Engagement Award
Communication and Advocacy
Karen Weeks
Outstanding Dissertation Award
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Implementing a Discharge Navigator on Reducing 30-Day Readmissions for Heart Failure and Sepsis Populations, December 2019
Janet Hostetter
Outstanding Dissertation Award
Doctor of Musical Arts
Tone Production, Musicianship Training, Repertoire Development, Performance Practice: A Pedagogical Overview of Selected International Children’s Choirs, May 2019

Chris Cohen
Outstanding Thesis Award
Master of Fine Arts

Lauren Jefferson
Outstanding Thesis Award Equity and Cultural Diversity
How Successful High School Boys Soccer Coaches Perceive and Develop Cultural Competency: A Grounded Theory Approach, May 2019

Maddison Miles
Outstanding Thesis Award
Psychological Sciences
Pain-Related Fear: Metacognitive and Health Belief Predictors of Cogniphobia, May 2019
Three Minute Thesis Competition Awards

Briana Craig
First Place - Three Minute Thesis
Psychological Sciences
Propensity Score Matching and Generalized Boosted Modeling in the Context of Model Misspecification

Christine Verdream
Second Place - Three Minute Thesis (and The People’s Choice Award)
Habitat Utilization and Impact of Flooding on James spinymussel (Parvaspina collina) Populations in Virginia Streams

Alexander Brooks
Third Place - Three Minute Thesis
Under Cover of Lightness: How Mixed-Race Americans Navigated the Racial Codes of Antebellum America

Ruth Bowers-Sword
Third Place - Three Minute Thesis
Assessing hunting pressures and the population status of Preuss's red colobus, Piliocolobus preussi, and other primates in the Ebo-Makombe-Ndokbou forest, Cameroon
Graduate Student Association Impact Awards

Amy Ross
Student Impact Award
Sport and Recreation Leadership with a Concentration in Campus Recreation

Physician Assistant Program

Shiree Harbik
Faculty Impact Award
Communication Sciences and Disorders