.100 General
This section provides a description of the services available to the campus from the James Madison University Warehouse Complex. Services include receipt, storage and distribution of stock inventory and the receipt of vendor shipments.
.200 Stock Inventory
The Warehouse stocks large quantities of high usage items. Certain of these items are available for use by the general campus and other items are for use by Facilities Management only. A list of stock items is available from the Warehousing and Stores Office upon request. Departments may requisition items by completing the Central Warehouse Requisition form.
.300 Receipt and Delivery of Vendor Shipments
.310 Receipt of Vendor Shipments
The Warehouse receives certain items delivered to the University, primarily those items delivered by trailer truck for departments that do not have appropriate receiving facilities. The Warehouse does not receive items purchased as "furnish and install".
.320 Delivery of Vendor Shipments
The Warehouse will contact the requesting department upon receipt of vendor shipments. Departments may request delivery of the item(s) by sending a work order to the Facilities Management Work Control Center. Facilities Management will deliver the items to the department.
.400 Form Preparation and Submission
Departments may obtain Warehouse Requisition forms by contacting the Warehousing and Stores office. Complete the form and forward the complete NCR set to the Warehouse. A copy of the form, including cost of the items, will be returned to the Department when the order is completed. Questions concerning completion of the form may be directed to the Warehouse.