The EAD Poker Run will take place between 10:30AM and 2:00PM on Thursday, May 16, 2024, during the Employee Appreciation Day Community Services Fair Event.
- JMU Employees will pick up their EAD Poker Run card from the Community Service Fair Check in Table located outside of the Festival Ballroom.
- JMU Employees are invited to visit a total of four (4) Community Services Fair participants. Two (2) visits must be to Community Services Fair organizations upstairs and two (2) must be downstairs in Festival.
- At each stop, you will draw one card and place the face value (Q, 10, 6, etc) in the appropriate column and row to coordinate with your stop and suite.
- Completed cards need to be submitted back to the Community Service Fair Check in Table located outside of the Festival Ballroom by 2PM on Thursday, May 16, 2024.
Winners with the top hand will be contacted with their prize no later than Monday, May 20, 2024.
2024 Community Service Day Participants
- CommonwealthOne JMU
- First Step
- The ARC of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County
- Valley Open Doors
- Skyline Literacy
- Central Shenandoah Valley Master Gardeners Association
- Valley Program for Aging Services
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Rockingham County
- Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance
- Harrisonburg Rescue Squad
- JMU Employee Advisory Committee
- Central Valley Habitat for Humanity
- United Way of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County
- American Red Cross (There will be no physical blood drive this year.)
- JMU Lego Club