Recent Journal Articles and Book Chapters:
(Psychological Sciences Students in Bold)
Tarnai, K., & Marcopulos, B. (2022). Developing a model of return to school: A Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems study. Brain injury, 1-9.
Szwedo, D.E., Stern, J., Kansky, J., Lis, E., & Allen, J.P. (revise/resubmit) Toward a successful adulthood: Adolescent parental and romantic predictors of positive personality and relational development.
Shah, E., Szwedo, D.E., & Allen, J.P. (revise/resubmit) Parental autonomy restricting behaviors during adolescence as predictors of dependency on parents in emerging adulthood.
Marcopulos, B. A. & Eversole, K. (2022). The influence of culture on memory testing. In J. Evans and A. Fernández (Eds.), Understanding Cross-Cultural Neuropsychology: Science, Testing and Challenges. New York: Routledge.
Marcopulos, B. A., Guterbock, T. M., & Matusz, E. (2019). Survey research in neuropsychology: A systematic review. The Clinical Neuropsychologist 34(1), 32-55.
Miles, M. M., Szwedo, D. E., & Allen, J.P. (2018). Learning to cope with anxiety: Long-term links from adolescence to adult career satisfaction. Journal of Adolescence (64), 1-12.
Arredondo, B. C., Marcopulos, B. A., Brand, J. G., Campbell, K. T., & Kent, J. A. (2017). Cognitive functioning and adjudicative competence: defendants referred for neuropsychological evaluation in a psychiatric inpatient setting. The Clinical Neuropsychologist,31(8),1432-1448. doi: 10.1080/13854046.2017.1317032
Marcopulos, B. A., Welner, M., & Campbell, K. (2019). Forensic challenges in medical settings for physicians and neuropsychologists, In K. Sanders (Ed.), Physician's field guide to neuropsychology: collaboration through case example, New York: Springer.
Morgan, J., Marcopulos, B. A., & Matusz, E. (2019). Capacity evaluations in the elderly: Neuropsychological perspectives. In L.D. Ravdin & H.L. Katzen (Eds.), Clinical Handbook of the Neuropsychology of Aging and Dementia (2nd ed.). New York: Springer.
Recent Conference Presentations:
(Psychological Sciences Students in Bold)
Eversole, K., Matusz, E.F., Wasserman, V., Emrani, S., Marcopulos, B., Libon, D.J. (February 2022). How many trials are enough? Discriminating mild cognitive impairment subtypes through a process approach lens. [Poster presentation]. International Neuropsychological Society Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA.
Wild, A., Wilson, S., Eversole, K., Jáuregui, G., Fernández, A., Hardy, D. (February, 2023). Normative data collection for the Multicultural Neuropsychological Scales (MUNS). Poster presented at the International Neuropsychological Society Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Jáuregui, G., Wilson, S., Wild, A., Eversole, K., Marcopulos, B., & Alberto Fernández, A. (February, 2023). The Multicultural Neuropsychological Scale (MUNS): The new attention subtest, preliminary cross-cultural data. Poster presented at the International Neuropsychological Society Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Patel, A. C. & Marcopulos, B. A. (August, 2021) The Effect of Loss Aversion on Plea Bargain Decision Making in Mock Defendants. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association 2021 Conference.
Patel, A. C. & Marcopulos, B. A. (August, 2021) The Effect of Temporal Discounting on Plea Bargain Decision Making in Mock Defendants. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association 2021 Conference.
Szwedo, D.E., Sariol-Clough, M., Shah, E., Lis, E., Alexander, L., & Allen, J.P.(2021, April). Effects of parenting during adolescence on youth drug and sexual experimentation in emerging adulthood. Poster presented at the Virtual Biennial Meetings of the Society for Research in Child Development.
Lis, E., Szwedo, D.E., & Allen, J.P. (2021, April). Long-term predictors and consequences of self-sacrificing behaviors in young adult romantic relationships. Poster presented at the Virtual Biennial Meetings of the Society for Research in Child Development.
Shah, E., Szwedo, D.E., & Allen, J.P. (2021, April). Parental psychological control in adolescence as a predictor of young adult practical dependency on parents. Poster presented at the Virtual Biennial Meetings of the Society for Research in Child Development.
Szwedo, D.E., Linn, M., Lis, E., Shah, E., & Allen, J.P. (2021, April). Possible romantic benefits of rejection sensitivity and relational anxiety, avoidance, and jealousy. Poster presented at the Virtual Biennial Meetings of the Society for Research in Child Development.
Nesbitt, J., Bandalos, D., Marcopulos, B. A., & Lucas, J. (April, 2021). Differential item functioning analysis on the NIH Toolbox Picture Vocabulary Test on Black and White participants. Poster presented at the James Madison University Graduate Showcase.
Patel, A., & Marcopulos, B. A. (April, 2021). The Effect of Temporal Discounting on Mock Plea Bargain Decision Making. Poster presented at the James Madison University Graduate Showcase.
Tarnai, K. A., & Marcopulos, B. A. (February, 2021). Depression and Anxiety Following Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: Trends by Employment Category. Poster presented at the (virtual) International Neuropsychological Society conference, San Diego, CA.
Tarnai, K. A., & Marcopulos, B. A. (February, 2021). Return to School 1 Year After Traumatic Brain Injury: A Study Using the Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems National Database. Poster presented at the (virtual) International Neuropsychological Society conference, San Diego, CA.
Tarnai, K.A., Miles, M.M., & Marcopulos, B.A. (August, 2020) Exploratory Factor Analysis of the Pain Vigilance Awareness Questionnaire in an Online Sample. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association convention, Washington DC.
Lis, E., Miller, R., Szwedo, D.E., & Allen, J.P. (April, 2020). Adverse childhood experiences and young adult romantic quality: The moderating roles of substance abuse and gender. Poster presented at the Biennial Meetings of the Society for Research on Adolescence, San Diego, CA.
Patel, A.C., Miles, M.M., & Marcopulos, B.A. (April, 2020) Perceived Health’s Role in Cogniphobia, Pain Anxiety, and Pain Vigilance. Poster presented at the Virginia Association for Psychological Science conference in Charlottesville, VA.
Miles, M. M. & Marcopulos, B. A. (February, 2020). Pain-Related Fear: A Preliminary Evaluation of the Factor Structure of the Cogniphobia Scale. Poster presented at the International Neuropsychological Society conference, Denver, CO.
Miles, M.M., Tarnai, K.A., & Marcopulos, B.A. (June, 2019) Symptom complaint rates and mechanisms in self-reported head injury. Poster presented at the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology conference, Chicago, IL.
Tarnai, K.A., Miles, M.M., & Marcopulos, B.A. (June, 2019) Cogniphobia and pain beliefs in adults with TBI history and chronic headaches. Poster presented at the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology conference, Chicago, IL.
Miles, M.M. & Marcopulos, B.A. (February, 2019) Metacognitive moderators of cogniphobia in a TBI sample. Poster presented at the International Neuropsychological Society conference, New York City, NY.
Brewster, J., Fogler, K., Cromer, J., & Stoloff, M. (September, 2019). Using Scientific Content Analysis (SCAN) to Evaluate Written Statements. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Police & Criminal Psychology, Scottsdale, AZ.
Brewster, J., Fogler, K. A., Cromer, J. D., & Stoloff, M. L. (July, 2019). Content Analysis in Lie Detection. Presented at the 4th Asian Conference of Criminal and Operations Psychology (ACCOP), Singapore.
Cromer, J.D., Brewster, J., Fogler, K., & Stoloff, M. (2019). 911 Calls in Homicide Cases: What Does the Verbal Behavior of the Caller Reveal? Journal of Police & Criminal Psychology, 34(2), 156-164. DOI: 10.1007/s11896-018-9282-0.
(couldn’t get rid of the highlighting for this one)
Matusz, E., Marcopulos, B., & Guterbock, T. (June, 2017). Methodological guidelines for survey research: A rubric for neuropsychologists. Poster presented at the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology, Boston, MA.
Campbell, K. T., Manley, M., Arredondo, B. C., Marcopulos, B. A., & Kent, J. A. (March, 2017). Utility of the inventory of legal knowledge in an inpatient psychiatric setting. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Seattle, WA.
Campbell, K. T., Arredondo, B., Marcopulos, B., Kent, J. (2016, March). A Comparison of Restorable and Unrestorable Defendants. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, Atlanta, GA.
Cromer, J.D. & Brewster, J. (2017). Approaching the Crime Scene with an Eye Toward Interview Strategy. In M. Napier (Ed.), Behavior, Truth, and Deception, 2nd edition. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 207-230.
Cromer, J.D., Brewster, J., Stoloff, M.L. Fogler, K. (September, 2016). Investigative Leads Derived from 911 Calls. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Society for Police & Criminal Psychology, Austin, TX.