In order to involve graduate students in research activities early in their training and to aid the graduate students in choosing their Master’s Thesis topic, two semesters of research apprenticeship are required of all first year students. Students are accepted into the program to work with a specific advisor and will complete the research apprenticeship experience by working within the advisor’s established research program. The research apprenticeship is a non credit-bearing requirement that involves a commitment of approximately 5-8 hours per week where students assist a faculty member in ongoing research activities, and beginning to develop research questions of their own. Thus, students should begin to explore possible thesis ideas with their advisors early in their graduate training. Although not required, students are strongly encouraged to consider projects that are linked closely to their advisors’ ongoing research.

The research apprenticeship experience is, by design, a flexible arrangement in which students and faculty can work together closely and develop a mentoring relationship. Each faculty member is involved in different projects and these projects may be in very different stages of development when a student first joins them, making each apprenticeship experience unique. However, all apprenticeship experiences will include:

  • regular meetings with the faculty advisor that include discussions of the apprenticeship project as well as the student’s interests and potential thesis topics;
  • reading the literature relevant to the apprenticeship project and potential thesis ideas;
  • opportunities for the student to develop a conceptual understanding of the various aspects of the research process; and
  • performing activities that contribute meaningfully to the research process.

Students should be sure to check with their advisors soon after beginning the program to discuss the specific expectations and requirements of their individual advisors.

Once the student and advisor agree on a thesis idea, the student will form an Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee will serve as both the student’s Thesis Committee* and Comprehensive Examination Committee*, and help develop a Plan of Study.

*The student’s advisor will serve as the chair of the advisory committee and will help the student select other members. Advisory Committee members should have the background and interest necessary to counsel, direct, and evaluate the specific student research project undertaken. Participation as an Advisory Committee member is voluntary on the part of the faculty member.

Advisory Committee and student jointly develop a plan of study that describes the coursework that the student intends to complete. This coursework should insure that the student acquires the knowledge and skills needed for successful completion of the intended thesis project. Although the end of the first semester is the target date for completing the Plan of Study, each student must complete a plan of study no later than the middle of the second semester.

At the end of the first year, all students and their advisors are requested to complete the Apprenticeship Checklists (Appendix A). Each student submits his or her checklist to the Program Director and his or her advisor along with copies of any products that resulted from the experience. The student is also required to submit a Curriculum Vitae. The advisor may review the student’s materials with the student to provide feedback.

Reflections on a quantitative apprenticeship

For prospective students wondering about this part of the program, several Quantitative Psychology concentration students have provided a reflection on their experiences, below.

"I learned how to become a better writer by seeking feedback and constructive comments on my literature review, how to formulate clear research questions, and ways to identify necessary resources to answer those research questions. This project required time-management, as I was juggling assessment responsibilities and coursework. In the end, I came out a better researcher than I was before. Finally, I learned that when presenting technical information, it is important to add a touch of humor. Not only did it lighten up the mood, it also engaged the audience to the material. Lastly, the first year research project led to ideas for my thesis, and I can see several other research questions to pursue. I am amazed at how much I have grown this year!"

"As a first-year student, using data from such a large initiative made me feel like I was participating in research that was bigger than myself. My advisor allowed me, and gave me enough freedom, to manage the project on my own, with guidance when it was needed. This provided me with a lot of confidence in my ability as a researcher and a presenter. I learned that any progress, no matter how small and with however many frustrations come with it, is still progress. Another benefit was that this project allowed me the opportunity to develop an advisor-advisee working relationship. This mentorship looks different from an undergraduate mentor, and every advisor is different in terms of their mentorship style. However, we found a balance that allowed me to feel autonomous, but also supported in the research process."

"During my first-year research apprenticeship I learned several valuable lessons and gained experience which will be indispensable as I take advantage of other research opportunities and write my thesis. Through the apprentice project I was given the opportunity to collaborate with others on research, something I had not had before. Regular meetings with my advisor and occasional meetings with a research team taught me the value of a collaborative research environment. My first-year research apprenticeship was also a valuable lesson in the necessity of good planning, organization, and time management. Overall, despite some challenges, the first year project emphasized some of my strengths and many of my weaknesses which I can now address and improve upon."

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