Dear Prospective Student:
Thank you for your interest in the College Student Personnel Administration (CSPA) graduate program at James Madison University. Included on this web site you will find several pieces of information about the program and the application process.
This program is anchored in the Department of Graduate Psychology (located within the College of Health and Behavioral Studies). The JMU CSPA curriculum will lead to a Master's of Education in Counseling. CSPA graduates consistently remark how vital the core counseling classes are to their success as higher education professionals.
Our program offers assistantships to all full-time students. The majority of assistantships are in the Division of Student Affairs with opportunities also in the Division of Academic Affairs. Serving as a professional enhances skill development through work with student affairs colleagues. Students deepen their learning through the completion of two unique 150 hour practicums in a variety of university offices at JMU, surrounding colleges, and/or at universities across the country.
The JMU CSPA program annually enrolls about 12 students per cohort with a program size of approximately 25 students. The intimate nature of the program allows students to work directly with professionals in the Division of Student Affairs. Many of the courses are taught by Scholar-Practitioners—professionals in Student Affairs. Each student is also assigned an advisor who is a member of the CSPA Advisory Committee. The academic program consists of 36 hours taken in two years.
Please note the application deadline is February 29, 2024. All application forms and supporting materials are due at this time. Applications are currently being reviewed. Apply as soon as possible. Following the initial review of all the written application materials, the program committee will interview and admit students on a space-available basis. If invited, this interview is a required part of the application process. In addition, if you are invited for an interview, you will be asked for your preference of assistantship sites based on those available for the coming academic year. Candidates will have the opportunity to interview for their assistantship sites.
2024 interview dates are February 9 (on-campus), February 12 (remote), February 16 (on-campus). Additional interview dates will be scheduled, if needed.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (540) 568-3433 or at We look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes,
Dr. Steve Grande
Director, CSPA Program