JMU’s Pre-Physical Therapy minor helps set you up for a bright future.

A physical therapist is an expert in all aspects of movement and function. PTs help patients improve strength, range of motion, relieve pain and prevent or limit physical impairment. PTs must have empathy as well as strong interpersonal skills. They must also be knowledgeable and creative problem-solvers to develop treatment plans based on sound logic and evidence. PTs work in many different environments including hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, outpatient clinics, schools and in patients’ homes.

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No specific major required.


median annual income

– U.S. Bureau of Labor, 2023

Top-notch advising awaits you.

Our Pre-Professional Health Advising is here to help with questions about the minor in Pre-Physical Therapy Medicine.

The Pre-PT program provides guidance on courses, experiential activities, and competencies for students that are preparing to be competitive applicants to Doctor of Physical Therapy (D.P.T.) programs after completing their Bachelor's degree at James Madison University. The Pre-PT program is a minor that students complete as part of their baccalaureate degree.

Declaring the Minor

Incoming freshmen and transfer students can declare pre-PT without verification from PPH Advising. Current students can request declaration of the pre-PT minor (through My Madison) but will need approval for the request to be granted. If the student has completed fewer than 10 hours of the prerequisite credits the request will be granted after verification of course work. If the student has completed 10 hours or more of the prerequisite credits, the request will be granted only if the prerequisite GPA is 2.7 or greater.

Progression Standards

Once students have completed 10 hours of the prerequisite course list, they become subject to twice yearly review of their academic progress. Performance queries will be conducted after summer and fall semester grades are posted. If the review indicates successful progress (meeting the standard of a 2.7 prerequisite GPA), they will be invited to formal advising activities. Topics include learning about different PT programs, deciding where to apply and discussing fulfillment of non-academic requirements and recommendations (shadowing, volunteering). Assuming continued progress, students will reach the applicant stage (typically spring of the junior year), during which they will be invited to participate in application related activities.

Pre-PT students who fall below the standard of a 2.7 prerequisite GPA are at high risk of not being admitted to a PT program. Targeted advising for these students focuses on improving/developing academic skills as well as career exploration. If students fall below the standard in a subsequent performance review, they will be administratively dropped from the pre-PT minor. This action will not impede a student from applying to PT programs, nor will it have any impact on a student's degree program as the pre-PT designation is not a major.

Students who wish to re-enter the pre-PT program may do so as long as they meet the GPA standard (2.7 prerequisite GPA).

Additional Information

Pre-professional health programs do not ensure that all prerequisites for admission to health professions schools are met. Students should inquire with schools of interest to confirm details of admission requirements

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