Enrollment Worksheets

We have developed an enrollment worksheet for each major and degree type.  You will use the worksheet for your major to guide you to the required courses for your major in your first semester, along with departmental recommendations and General Education options.  

  • Find the worksheet for your major and degree type below (login required). These worksheets are a critical tool to understand the required courses for your first semester based on your major. Feel free to use the worksheets to explore any major you are considering.  
  • Use the worksheet, not the JMU catalog. These worksheets, along with the information regarding earned college credit and information under the Special Student Categories information in Module 4, are necessary when enrolling in classes. Identify the courses you need from the worksheet and save it or print the worksheet to use when creating your schedule.  
  • The worksheets refer to the ALEKS Math Assessment, which is mandatory  for all students, and the Foreign Language Placement Exam (JMUFL score), which is only required if you are pursuing a BA degree, a minor in a foreign language, a BBA degree in International Business, or if you are just interested in pursuing a foreign language. The purpose of introducing you to the worksheets before the placement assessment information is to understand the importance of taking the placement exam(s) seriously and the impact your performance has on your enrollment. Both placement exams are covered in detail in Module 3.
  • The GenEd options on the worksheets may not mirror the GenEd Planner.  If your major has a requirement that also fulfills a GenEd requirement, we removed the courses from that area that do not fulfill the major requirement.
e-ID Authentication Required

To view the 1st-semester worksheets, you must login using your JMU e-ID.

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