Timely Warning

In compliance with the "Timely Notice" provisions of the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998, the James Madison University Police Department is responsible for timely warning dissemination. A timely warning is initiated when the James Madison University Police Department identifies a Clery Act reportable crime that occurs on Clery geography that poses an ongoing or serious threat to students, employees and/or visitors. Timely warning notifications are sent to notify the campus community in the event that a situation arises on Clery geography which encompasses the JMU campus, noncampus property (property owned/controlled by the university), and public property (roadway and sidewalks immediately adjacent to campus) that, in the judgment of the Chief of Police, or his designee, after reviewing the facts and circumstances of the incident, constitutes an ongoing or continuing threat to the campus community. Timely warnings are primarily triggered by Clery Act crimes (criminal homicide, sex offenses, robbery involving force or violence, aggravated assault, and major cases of arson). Timely Warnings may also be posted for other crime classifications, as deemed necessary. Timely Warnings are evaluated on a case-by-case basis depending on the facts of the case and the information known.

The timely warning message content may include the following:

  • A description of the incident.
  • Possible connection to previous incidents, if applicable.
  • Physical description of the suspect, if available.
  • Photo or composite drawing of the suspect, if available.
  • Date and time the bulletin was released.
  • Other relevant and important information about the crime(s).
  • Information about crime prevention, personal safety or other community safety resources

JMU is not required by law to issue a timely warning for off-campus crimes; however, incidents occurring off campus will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis in conjunction with the lead law enforcement agency investigating the incident to determine if there is a crime that poses an ongoing or serious threat to the community, a community alert may be disseminated.

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