
Posters and Flyers

Posting Areas (2 large cork boards on the 1st floor)

  1. Close to the East Entrance
  2. Close to the West Entrance

All items posted must follow JMU Posting Policy 3104.

The Event Management office at JMU offers a list of ways to "Publicize Your Event" across campus.

Digital Signage

Who can submit content to be displayed?

Any campus student organization or James Madison University department can submit their content to be approved.

How long can content run for?

We ask that content does not run for longer than two (2) weeks before the event or deadline.

What size is the content?

All content must maintain a size of 1920 x 1080 (16:9 aspect ratio) to be considered for approval.

How to submit content for approval?

Please fill out the Digital Signage Submission Request form, and email your image and completed form to

Who to contact with issues regarding content submission?

Please contact with your questions. 



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