Department: Training and Technical Assistance Center (TTAC)
Areas of expertise:
- Self-Determination
- Special Education Program Improvement
- Postsecondary transitions for students with disabilities
- Classroom/Behavior Management
- Inclusive Practices
McNaught teaches:
EXED 615: Transition of Learners with Disabilities into New Environments and Functions
EXED 416: Overview and Assessment of Autism Disorders
EXED 417: Communication, Language, and Sensory Issues of Learners w/ ASD and/or on the Adapted Curriculum
EXED 418: Challenging Behaviors, Positive Behavioral Supports, Functional Behavioral Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plans
McNaught’s research focuses on self-determination of students with disabilities, inclusive practices, special education service delivery, postsecondary education for students with disabilities and access/equity issues in special education.
McNaught earned a bachelor's degree in business administration (finance concentration) at the University of Richmond, a master's degree in special education at James Madison University and a doctorate in school improvement at the University of West Georgia.
Media contact: Eric Gorton,