This form will be shared with students who are considering internships. Do NOT write anything that you would not be willing to share with other students.



A. Estimate the proportion of your time spent in work versus observation: (circle the correct answer)

100% work 75% work 50% work 25% work 0% work

B. Did the tasks assigned you principally involve: (circle more than one if appropriate)

  • duties similar to those of regular personnel of the agency?
  • routine clerical tasks?
  • research?
  • frequent contact with personnel throughout the agency or office?
  • frequent contact outside the agency/office?
  • duties for which you posses adequate skills and knowledge?

C. Did the person(s) who supervised your work: (circle more than one if appropriate)

  • adequately describe the tasks you were asked to perform?
  • provide adequate supervision?
  • expect you to assume independent responsibilities?
  • offer assistance and guidance when requested?
  • take an interest in your internship?
  • show a willingness to provide additional information even when not related to your tasks?

D.. Opportunities for learning  (Circle   Y [=Yes],   N [=No], or   ? [=No Answer, Maybe])

Were you given adequate opportunity to learn through observation? Y N ?
Were you given adequate opportunity to learn through doing? Y N ?
Were you given adequate opportunity to learn through discussions with supervisors and others? Y N ?


A.  What is your evaluation of your internship as an educational opportunity?  (Circle one.)

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

B.  Would you recommend that other students be placed with this agency/office in the future?  (Circle one.)

Yes No Maybe No Answer

C.  To what extent did the internship assist you in clarifying your career goals?  (Circle one.)

Very Much Some Very Little None

D.  To what extent did the internship assist you in achieving your career goals?  (Circle one)

Very Much Some Very Little None


1.  Describe any ways the internship could be improved:


2.  Any other remarks or comments?


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