Student Research Awards - Fall 2023 Symposium

The symposium is the culminating event for students enrolled in HTH 408: Health Research Methods. This course involves student-initiated research projects that go through the Institutional Review Board (IRB) process. Working in small groups, students identify a gap in the literature and select a research methodology and instruments to answer their research question. After IRB approval, students collect, manage and analyze their data.

Best Overall Project (TIE):

Gym Intimidation Among College Students
Taylor Bates, Madison Burrows, Cormac Flanagan, Brady Miller, Brooke Rainville
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Mendenhall


Thoughts on CAMpus: Student Perception and Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Luke Bonner, Cameron Grimes, Michelle Mendez-Guatavita, Griff Splan, Joanna Woo
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Baller


Best Presentation:

Factors Influencing Sexual Coercion Tactics and Consent 
Katie Fightmaster, Anna Killenbeck, Payton Linden, Kaitlyn Maloney, Noah Naas
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Baller


Best Poster:

Healthy Behaviors Impact on Mental Wellness
Katie Adler, Natalie Davis, Theresa Huynh, Nayley Rivera, Isabelle Scotti 
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Lovesky


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