Alpha Sigma Lambda Inductees and ADP Intern Intros

School of Professional & Continuing Education (SPCE)
For the Delta Tau chapter, students must have earned at least 24 credits at JMU to be eligible

Alpha Sigma Lambda Inductees

This year, the Adult Degree Program welcomed our newest members of Alpha Sigma Lambda Delta Tau chapter. Alpha Sigma Lambda is a national honors fraternity recognizing the academic achievement of adult learners. For the Delta Tau chapter, students must have earned at least 24 credits at JMU to be eligible and have a GPA in the top 20% of our program. Inductees receive lifetime membership, wear special cords at commencement and are awarded a certificate. The membership also elected officers to serve in important leadership roles for the chapter. Congratulations to our new members!


ADP Interns Provide Valuable Passion and Support for  ProjectsIntern Headshot

Each semester, Adult Degree Program staff work with interns enrolled in Psych 495 Field Placement to learn about and participate in the work we do to support adult learners.

This fall, Elijah Keyes worked with our team on several important projects. Eljah chose to focus on the student support work we do in ADP, particularly work related to building a stronger sense of belonging among students with our program and JMU. This work culminated in a ”Day in the Life” event. ADP students and families were welcomed to Harrisonburg and toured campus, UREC, Bridgeforth Stadium, and had a special lunch visit at D-Hall with Vice President for Student Affairs Tim Miller. We express our deep gratitude to Elijah for his exemplary work in ADP.

Rebecca Fleetwood also joins us as the Psych 495 ADP Intern for the spring semester. We look forward to the ways she will contribute to our team and support our students."Intern headshot

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Published: Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Last Updated: Thursday, February 6, 2025

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