A holiday message from the Deans

Season's Greetings
As we sip our hot chocolate and enjoy time with co-workers, friends and family this season, we are reminded of the many blessings for which we are grateful.
At the top of that list is you. It’s faculty, staff, alumni and friends like you who have given their time, talent and financial resources this past year to advance our college mission and help create a bright future for the world’s young business leaders. Your selfless sacrifices are much appreciated.
May you and your loved ones enjoy peace, health, happiness and prosperity throughout the coming year.

JMU expert: What to expect this holiday shopping season
Dreading your holiday shopping this year? Marketing Professor Janna Parker explains the biggest differences between last year and this year. Find out how retailers are preparing.
College of Business Learning Complex
MSC 0207
421 Bluestone Drive
Harrisonburg, Virginia 22807
Hours of operation:
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.