AAAD Announces Faculty and Student Research Funding Opportunities
SUMMARY: The African, African American, and Diaspora (AAAD) Studies Center announces their two new programs offering funding to students and faculty for research and development, made possible by the donations the Center receives each year during JMU's Giving Day.
The African, African American, and Diaspora (AAAD) Studies Center has announced two new programs that offer funding to students and faculty for research and development. Both programs are funded through the donations the Center receives each year during JMU’s Giving Day, a fundraising opportunity for the community in and around JMU to support various programs the university offers.
The AAAD Faculty Research & Development Award program is a competitive award, which will in the future be offered twice per year, that will fund AAAD-related research, scholarship, teaching, and professional development projects for full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty members with preference given to junior faculty (pre-tenure). In Spring 2022, AAAD will be awarding $750 to two recipients. Apply for the Award
The AAAD Student Research & Development program is a competitive program, which in the future will be offered twice per year, that will support AAAD minors in their research, scholarship, and professional development efforts. Funding of up to $750 can be used in the following ways: travel costs and registration fees to present scholarly work at meetings and conferences, or to attend professional development opportunities, symposia, or workshops; travel costs to support scholarly research or activities; supplies, equipment, or training related to scholarly activities; stipends to serve as a summer research assistant for a AAAD faculty member or to collaborate with a AAAD faculty member on a scholarly or professional project; and other costs related to research, scholarship, or professional development. All AAAD undergraduate minors enrolled at JMU are eligible to apply. Apply for the Program
Without the support and generous donations of our community, AAAD would not be able to offer these funding opportunities to our faculty and students to encourage their research and growth in the field. JMU’s Giving Day, February 22, 2022, offers the Center a unique opportunity to raise funds that will help our Center and the programs we offer grow. If you’d like to donate to the AAAD Studies Center to help support AAAD activities such as the Faculty and Student Research & Development programs, the Annual AAAD Conference, and more, please click here. You can also register as a Giving Day Ambassador for AAAD and help by asking others to donate to AAAD using your unique Giving Day link.