James Madison University – Faculty Experts for Members of the Media
A list of faculty experts on other topics is available on the University Faculty Experts page.
Media Contact: Ginny Cramer, cramervm@jmu.edu
Research Area
How to speak to COVID-19
John Almarode
Science of learning
- K-12 homeschool/virtual learning
Brad Barnett
Financial Aid
- Impact on COVID-19-related layoffs and pay cuts on financial aid in higher education
Chris Berndsen
- Adapted teaching so students are studying various aspects of COVID-19
Rebecca Brannon
- The history of pandemics and what they can teach about how societies change long-term in response to pandemics, both positive and negative.
Audrey Burnett
Infectious diseases
- How the virus infects human cells
- Treatment
- Prevention and control
- Using the pandemic as an online case study assignment
Lennie Echterling
Resilience and thriving
- Need to stay connected to others and how to accomplish that during social distancing
Lori Gano-Overway
Coaching Education
Exercise Science
- Keeping kids active
- How coaches can work remotely with athletes
Zachary Gochenour
Political economy
- Local impact to Harrisonburg
- Impact of stimulus bills being passed on the financial system, the country and individuals
- How to get the economy back on track
- The lasting impacts we will experience
- Effect on the job market for college graduates
- Effect on specific communities (ex: immigrant community)
Michele Kielty
Counseling and mindfulness
- Techniques, strategies for dealing with stress and anxiety.
Michael J. Klein
Writing, Rhetoric & Technical Communication
- The conceptualization of disease through language
- Media coverage of COVID
Melissa Lubin
Professional & Continuing Education
- Understanding, adapting and leveraging your work and life preferences for working remotely and virtually
- Tapping into aspects of your emotional intelligence to adopt new behaviors
- Using the principles and processes of adult learning to adapt to new modes of working and living
- Using the principles of adult learning and a coach approach to help others adapt and adopt to a new way of being
Cathryn Molloy
Rhetoric of health and medicine, mental health rhetoric
- impact of race, class, and/or gender on health outcomes
- how to speak to care providers when they judge your symptoms to be "in your head" and refuse to test you.
- how stigma relates to COVD-19 care
Diane Wilcox
Instructional technology, instructional design, visual literacy
- understanding online learning for JMU faculty