Will Pluto Ever be a Planet Again?


James Green

Scientists' understanding of our solar system is increasing at a dramatic pace, says Dr. James Green, director of NASA's planetary science division. Green dicussed "The Revolution in Planetary Science," which includes demoting Pluto to dwarf planet status, Jan. 20 at James Madison University. 

"Over the last few decades, NASA has sent instrumented robotic probes to all of the planets in the solar system, the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, asteroids and comets," Green said. "We have discovered beautiful, strange, mysterious and puzzling worlds. In the last several years alone, our understanding of the origin and evolution of our solar system has changed dramatically. Literally our foundations of knowledge have been re-established." 

Green has worked with NASA since 1980, holding a variety of positions. He has developed and managed space analysis programs that allow scientists to access one another, resource data and important NASA files all in one location. Green also has made over 150 dives as a safety diver and written over 150 journal articles about space and data systems. 

He has received the Arthur S. Flemming award for outstanding individual performance in the federal government and in 1996 he was awarded Japan's Kotani Prize in recognition of his international science data management activities. 

Related Links: 

*Be the Change - Science & Technology 

*Department of Physics 

*NASA Webpage 

*Dr. Green's monthly column (http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/news/NWND.cfm)

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Published: Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Last Updated: Wednesday, November 1, 2023

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