10-month Master Degree Program

The MA in Political Science with a concentration in European Union Policy Studies offers a challenging and accelerated curriculum for its graduate students. The program focuses on experiential, cross-cultural  learning, balancing the theoretical with the practical. Our students arrive in Florence and begin to immerse themselves in Florentine culture. Students also work on cross-cultural teams throughout the year as they prepare for the annual Model EU Simulation along with their Florentine counterparts from the University of Florence.

While in the program, students conduct applied assignments within their coursework and refine their cross-cultural competencies by working with a dynamic international faculty, by living abroad, and by talking with policy and political practitioners based in Europe and in the United States. These conversations take place in our facilities in Italy and via video conferencing. In addition, students participate in academic trips to Brussels (in the fall) and Rome (in the spring) in which they meet with various political & policy practitioners in and out of government.

In the summer session, professional development is a key focus as our students hold mock job interviews; create a professional portfolio of policy and political analyses; and conduct either an internship or an applied research project. The EUPS program prepares students for careers in politics and policy, government agencies, policy research & advocacy, government relations, consulting for the private sector, and nonprofit organizations.

James Madison University in Florence is committed to the university's greater mission to exemplify a model engaged university. Students actively participate in various charitable and community activities throughout the year including the JMU Big Event.

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