The minor in classical studies introduces students to the literature, culture, philosophy, history, and languages of the ancient Mediterranean world. The requirement is successful completion of 18 credits chosen from the following courses offered by participating academic units. Students who take Latin or Greek can apply up to 12 credit hours to the minor.

Become a Classical Studies Minor:

To join the minor login to MyMadison to declare the minor. See instructions.


Dr. Eva Carrara
Minor Co-Coordinator

Dr. Maria Harvey
Minor Co-Coordinator

Classical Studies Minor Requirements

18 credit hours chosen from the list of approved courses. Students who take Latin or Greek can apply up to 12 credit hours to the minor.

View Full Requirements in the Catalog

Classical Studies Minor Checklist (PDF)

Terracotta Eros on a Chariot

Courses - Spring 2024
  • ARTH 205 Survey of World Art I: Prehistoric to Renaissance
  • ARTH 424 Arts of Ancient Egypt
  • ARTH 495 Internship with the Madison Art Collection (by application only)
  • CLAS 360 / ENG 305 Greek MythologyHIST 101 World History to 1500
  • HIST 467 The Roman Republic
  • HUM 250 Foundations of Western Culture: The Ancient Mediterranean
  • LAT 102 Elementary Latin II
  • LAT 232 Intermediate Latin II
  • PHIL 340 Ancient Greek Philosophy
  • REL 333 Angels, Demons, and Dreams in Early Judaism and Christianity
Study Abroad Courses - Summer 2024

Relevant study abroad programs and internships may also count towards the minor. Contact the minor coordinator for further information.

Philosophy in Ancient Greece: June 3-28, 2024
Program Directors Chip Bolyard ( and Jeffrey Goodman (

Explore ancient Greek philosophy and philosophical puzzles and paradoxes! No background in these areas is necessary, only your own intellectual curiosity about the ancient world and desire to visit many of the sites we will be discussing. For more information click here.

  • PHIL 101: Introduction to Philosophy
  • PHIL 240: Greek Philosophy in Context (can count for the Classical Studies Minor, just ask Frances Flannery for a course waiver)

Mediterranean Marvels: May 24-Jun 19, 2024
Program Director Beth Hinderliter (

In this culturally immersive program, you will visit temples built for powerful gods and goddesses, gilded palaces built for Renaissance rulers, and be introduced to the cultural exchanges that have shaped this Mediterranean world. You will leave with an appreciation for the ways in which developments in this key region have helped to define and give shape to the modern world. For more information click here.

  • HUM 250 Foundations of Western Civilization

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