Action Statements

The following actions can be specified and will be processed in the order in which they are found in the configuration file. If a Require action is not satisfied then processing stops and other actions are attempted, otherwise all of the actions in the file are performed for every form submission. 

Archive (Safely move a file)

Direct (Build a list of the contents of a directory)

Delete (Delete a file)

Import (Read the contents of a file)

Mail-To (customizable output format, recipient and subjectlines)

Require (validates input with customizable error response)

Respond (customizable output after form submission)

Save-As (customizable output format, and file name)

Save-In (Save to a directory with a random file name)


(Safely move a file)


(Build a list of the contents of a directory)


(Delete a file)


(Read the contents of a file)

Mail-To address [subject line text]

The Mail-To action e-mails the results to the address(es) specified. (Multiple addresses can be listed if they are separated by commas and do not include any spaces.) The Subject line text can also be specified. (The subject line text is treated as a pattern so that the value of form variables can be included on the subject line.) The From: address of the message containing the results will be the address of the account which owns the configuration file with the real name listed as "DoForm Data Collection Script". 


The Respond action displays the results back on the screen of the person submitting the form. The results are assumed to be HTML-encoded text. If no Respond action is found in the configuration file, then the message "The form has been submitted successfully. Thank You." is displayed. 

Require condition

If the condition specified in the Require action is NOT MET, then the results are displayed on the screen and NO OTHER actions are performed. 

If the condition specified in the Require action is met, then NO action is performed and processing continues with the next action listed in the configuration file.

The condition is either a field name or a field name with a comparison operator and value. If only the field name is given then that field is not allowed to be blank. If one of the operators ( <, >, =, <=, >=, <> ) is used then the appropriate comparison is made to the numerical value provided.

Save-As filename

The Save-As action places the results in the file (located in the same directory as the configuration file) specified. The results will be appended to an existing file. If a new file needs to be created, it will be owned by the owner of the configuration file and will NOT be world readable. 

Warning: Data collected by this script WILL count against the disk quota of the file owner even though the data is being submitted by others. 


(Save to a directory with a random file name)

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