Water Harvesting


Facilities Management (FM) is in its second year of capturing and re-using water from fire pump testing.  The idea came from the assistant director of operations after watching the amount of water released during the weekly testing which is required by NFPA.  "The amount of water released from pump testing could be put to good use throughout the campus" said John Ventura, assistant director of operations.

The concept is to capture water that would normally go down the drain and re-use it in a resourceful way.

Water is captured in a hydroseeder and then stored in holding tanks.   Water is then used for watering flowers, sod and landscape on campus.  Recently water for pressure washing has been included.   FM is currently utilizing this technique on four pumps averaging 3,900 gallons of water per month.  Over time, the amout of water harvested would have a significant financial and environmental impact on any organizational operation.

Start-up costs

Future this expanding to capturing water from annual fire hydrant and sprinkler testing.  Future

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Last Updated: Thursday, November 2, 2023

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