Students to Present at WISE 2024
SUMMARY: MSME students Dausny Cruz and Rilie Bass went to Kosovo with Dr. Chris Hass last summer, and now they get to present their experiences at a national conference on intercultural communication.
When a group of faculty, staff, and students traveled to Kosovo in the spring of 2023, they were looking for connections to partners in K-12 schools, higher education, and communities. One of the outcomes was an invitation to participate in the Pristina International Summer University. This two-week institute brings together university students from around the world to learn and share together for only the cost of a plane ticket.
The College of Education at JMU responded by sending Dr. Chris Hass with MSME students Dausny Cruz and Rilie Bass, alongside two educators from the Harrisonburg Public Schools, in the summer of 2023. Cruz and Bass took morning coursework while Dr. Hass and the educators toured schools. Then all five gathered to debrief what they saw and learned, particularly surrounding trauma-based education in a post-conflict society.
Now, this team has been invited to present in February at Wake Forest University as part of the Workshop on Intercultural Skills Enhancement. They will be ambassadors for JMU and for the field of education as they discuss the role of culture and self-awareness in teacher training. We wish them the very best.