CIS Advisory Board Renews Industry Perspective in Coursework


By Matthew D'Angelo

The Computer Information Systems (CIS) Advisory Board met this past week to review existing curriculum for the CIS and Business Analytics majors as well as begin work on implementing new skill based coursework that aligns with changing industry demands.

The Advisory Board, which is comprised of industry leaders, has been the impetus to curriculum changes in the past. In fact, two new elective options have been created based on the board’s input. This time, however, the board reviewed each course more thoroughly to ensure that CIS coursework highlights relevant concepts in the field. Exposing our students to the appropriate skills and experiences are critical in preparing them to make the difference in their chosen professions upon graduation.

This in-depth review process marks the beginning of a revamping of the CIS program-- one that will surely attribute to the program’s Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) accreditation renewal. ABET sets the global education standard for programs in applied science, computing, engineering and engineering technology.

The Advisory Board’s commitment to ensuring that JMU CIS students are up to date on current industry skills is a testament to the dedication and interest the College of Business and CIS Advisory Board have in its students.


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Published: Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Last Updated: Thursday, November 2, 2023

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