Adebayo Ogundipe and Olga Pierrakos

College of Integrated Science and Engineering

Olga Pierrakos and Adebayo Ogundipe Driven by challenging needs and technology, traditional engineering is evolving. When JMU embarked on a new program to address these critical changes and to educate a new breed of engineer, Adebayo Ogundipe and Olga Pierrakos brought their talents to the task. They are members of a new faculty assembled to develop an innovative engineering approach based on sustainable systems, melding the social, environmental, technical and economic impacts of future engineering projects. Last year, these two dedicated educators and their colleagues in engineering saw their first class graduate. Going forward, they will continue to prepare engineers for a future defined by change.

"Pioneering educators of the new engineering"

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Published: Friday, August 29, 2014

Last Updated: Thursday, November 2, 2023

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