2022-23 BTC Calendar: Mollard and Crouch families


09-dec-crouches-and-mollards-inset.jpgWhen John (’81) and Martha (’81) Mollard (on right) sought to create a new scholarship at JMU, they found the perfect opportunity — one that Nora (’82) and Steve (’82) Crouch (on left) had already established. “I scrolled through the write-ups,” John recalls, “and I saw exactly what I had in mind: the Crouch Scholarship Endowment. It was as if I’d written it myself.” So the Mollards added to it. The result was an even bigger College of Business scholarship. “It made sense to us,” Nora says. “It’s a more meaningful way to give, to live really, when you’re doing things with and through others, not just on your own.” With company matches from Markel and Lockheed Martin, the two families are building an endowment aimed at increasing diversity in business. “It seems fitting that we’d make a gift, aiming to help current students, and end up also making new friends,” John adds. “That’s so JMU.” 

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Published: Monday, March 15, 2021

Last Updated: Tuesday, May 24, 2022

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