JMU expert can discuss flu prevention

JMU Headlines

by Eric Gorton


SUMMARY: Audrey Burnett, associate professor of health sciences.

What's the News?

  • Audrey Burnett, an associate professor of health sciences at James Madison University, is an expert on infectious diseases and community health and can discuss ways Valley residents and the JMU community can prepare for this year's flu season.
  • Burnett says it’s difficult to predict the severity of this year’s flu, but people should heed recommendations to get flu shots, especially people with immune systems compromised by other conditions such as diabetes and cancer. Young children and elderly adults also are more susceptible to the virus and should get vaccinated, as well as healthcare workers who will care for people who get the flu.
  • Flu season typically begins between October and November and peaks between December and February, Burnett said. Because the vaccine takes two weeks to become effective in the body, Burnett recommends getting vaccinated before the end of October.

Attention Editors/Reporters


  • "In terms of who should consider getting vaccinated against the flu, it is particularly important for anyone whose immune system is compromised by other health conditions, such as diabetes, cancer, and the like, as well as anyone working in the healthcare field or with the general public." — Audrey Burnett, associate professor of health sciences.


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Published: Monday, October 1, 2018

Last Updated: Wednesday, November 1, 2023

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