July 2016 Faculty/Staff Accomplishments
Arts and CultureSUMMARY: A monthly list highlighting awards, honors, grants, publications, service and other faculty and staff accomplishments.
GRANTS (awarded in June 2016)
Dr. Keri S. Bethune (Assistant Professor, Educational Foundations and Exceptionalities) received $4,471 from George Mason University for the Summer Training Institute in Unified English Braille.
Dr. Daniel M. Downey (Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry) received $10,000 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service to perform water quality analysis on forest streams.
Dr. Reid N. Harris (Professor, Biology) received $17,861 from the National Science Foundation for “Examining the Taxonomic, Genetic and Functional Diversity of Amphibian Skin Microbiota.”
Kimberly Hartzler-Weakley (Director of Children and Youth, Institute for Innovation in Health and Human Services) received $8,000 from the Virginia Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to reduce and prevent alcohol and substance abuse by Latino youth in Harrisonburg and Rockingham County. Hartzler-Weakley also received $200 from the town of Shenandoah for Gus Bus site visits to encourage early learning and literacy.
Patricia A. Kennedy (Coordinator of Community Grants and Institute Publications, Institute for Innovation in Health and Human Services) received $51,414 from the Department of Behavioral Health and Development Services to coordinate the C.A.R.E. Conference.
Joyce H. Krech (Director, Small Business Development Center) received $12,500 from the city of Harrisonburg, $2,500 from the city of Waynesboro, $3,000 from the city of Lexington and $3,000 from the city of Buena Vista to support the SBDC for fiscal year 2015-16.
Dr. Stacey L. Pavelko (Assistant Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorder) received $1,499 from the Virginia Department of Education for “Developing High-Quality Professional Development for Public School Speech-Language Pathologists.”
Dr. Cheryl L. Beverly (Professor, Learning, Technology and Leadership Education) attended the 62nd annual U.S. Army War College National Security Seminar in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, June 6-9 as an invited civilian guest.
Dr. Kevin L. Caran (Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry), Dr. Scott R. Gallagher (Professor, International Business; Professor, Management), Dr. Kyle Seifert (Associate Professor, Biology) and Dr. Margaret F. Sloan (Associate Professor, Strategic Leadership Studies) received 2016 Best Entrepreneurship Paper Awards from the Center for Entrepreneurship at JMU.
Dr. Barbara A. Reisner (Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry) has been named a fellow by the American Chemical Society for outstanding contributions to the science and profession and service to the ACS community. The 2016 ACS Fellows were announced in the July 18 issue of C&EN (Chemical & Engineering News).
Dr. Christopher E. Berndsen (Assistant Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry) and Dr. Raymond Enke (Assistant Professor, Biology) published an educational research article, “Connecting common genetic polymorphisms to protein function: A modular project sequence for lecture or lab,” in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Education. The article describes novel modular wet bench and computational course-embedded research activities.
Dr. Mikihiro Sato (Assistant Professor, Hart School of Hospitality, Sport and Recreation Management) published, "Rate of Physical Activity and Community Health: Evidence From U.S. Counties," in the Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 13, 640-648. His co-authors are from Temple University and University of Minnesota.
Dr. Maureen G. Shanahan (Professor, Art History) co-edited a book, “Simon Bolivar: Travels and Transformations of a Cultural Icon,” which was published by the University Press of Florida. Her co-editor is from Boston University.
Dr. Adam J. Vanhove (Assistant Professor, Strategic Leadership Studies) published, "Rater agreement, accuracy, and experienced cognitive load: Comparison of distributional and traditional assessment approaches to rating performance," in the journal Human Performance. Co-authors were Alyssa M. Gibbons of Colorado State University and Uma Kedharnath of the University of Wisconson-Whitewater.