Board of Visitors Summary of Actions/Discussions: Sept. 28, 2012


by Bill Wyatt


The James Madison University Board of Visitors met Friday, September 28, 2012, in the Board Room of Madison’s Festival Conference and Student Center.

Following is a summary of actions taken by the board and key areas of discussion at the board meeting:

  • Approved the June 1, 2012 BOV meeting minutes;
  • Received the President’s report presented by Mr. Jonathan Alger;
  • Approved committee reports from Athletics, Audit, Development, Education & Student Life, and Finance & Physical Development;
  • Received an update on the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) presented by Dr. Herb Amato, Associate Dean in University Studies, and Dr. R. Ann Myers, Department Head of Social Work.
  • Received a presentation on the Quality Enhancement Plan from Dr. Lee Sternberger, Executive Director of International Program.
  • Heard a presentation on the Six-Year Plan presented by Dr. Mark Warner, Senior Vice President for Student Affairs and University Planning, Dr. A. Jerry Benson, Interim Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs, and Mr. Charles King, Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance;
  • Approved the 2013-2014 budget requests presented by Mr. Charles King, Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance.

Was told by President Jonathan Alger:

  • that 124 new faculty joined the university for 2012-2013 (77 were full-time);
  • that there are 4,325 (current projection) first-year students;
  • that the total enrollment is 19,873 students: 18,067 undergraduates; 1,806 graduate students (current projection);
  • that the College of Integrated Science and Technology split into two new colleges: Health and Behavioral Studies; Integrated Science and Engineering;
  • that there’s been 46 percent growth in STEM graduates over the past four years;
  • that we currently offer five master’s programs, six graduate certificate programs, and two undergraduate certificate programs online, plus 510 course sections online in the academic year 2011-2012 (a 12 percent increase in course sections in one year), enrolling 6,509 students (a 14 percent increase in the number of students enrolled);
  • that the “Why Madison?” Presidential Listening Tour continues with on-campus meetings including faculty, staff and students.  The “Why Madison?” Presidential Listening Tour’s external events to date include Harrisonburg, Richmond, Virginia Beach, Reston, Alexandria, Portola Valley, CA, and San Francisco, with more to come;
  • that university has reached out to community organizations and government officials, with more outreach planned in the coming months;
  • that the 4-VA telepresence programs continue, including courses in intelligence analysis and foreign languages.  This partnership consists of Cisco, University of Virginia, Virginia Tech, George Mason University and JMU;
  • that the governor has provided a grant for planning a lab school with Harrisonburg City Schools (Dr. John Almarode is principal investigator);
  • that student move-in was a success with help from student organizations, university offices and city/county law enforcement;
  • that a successful block party for new students was hosted by the City of Harrisonburg;
  • that the Madison Future Commission has been created to help form the basis of the strategic plan (with final approval by the BOV); it’s the most intensive strategic planning process since the Centennial Commission in 1998.  Strategic planning committees include Academics, Fundraising, Faculty and Staff Success, Student Life and Success and Resources.  Committees will include input from a broad membership of 150+ individuals including faculty, faculty emeriti, staff, students, community members and officials, former BOV members, alumni, parents, Foundation Board members, etc.  The strategic process will create a bold plan that aligns the university’s mission, values and strategic direction with goals and objectives.  The commission will conduct a SWOT analysis and environmental scan.  The BOV will be involved through the process (including a presentation at the next BOV meeting; June retreat).  The BOV will receive a short survey in October to get feedback on the university vision.  The goal is to have the plan approved by next summer or by September;
  • that he will direct Mr. King and the Provost to lead a task force including instructional faculty, administrative and professional staff, and classified staff with the purpose of analyzing compensation issues and make recommendations to the administration and the BOV.
  • The Virginia Longitudinal Data System (VLDS) and Wage Outcomes Reports is a collaborative effort among the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, the Virginia Department of Education, the Virginia Employment Commission, the Virginia Community College System and the Virginia Information Technologies Agency.  Through the VLDS, each agency makes available individual level, de-identified data to track outcomes of students across the state (post-graduation outcomes).  VLDS data are limited to the Virginia workforce but may help develop a clearer understanding of outcomes related to different degrees.
  • University Park opened, with soccer fields, track, recreational fields and facilities.  The Bioscience Building is open for the new academic school year.  The nursing program has moved to Burruss Hall.  The engineering program has moved to the former Nursing space in the Health and Human Services Building.  Current renovations include Duke Hall and Constitution Hall, which is the future site of the Student Success Center.

Updates to JMU senior leadership team

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Published: Friday, September 28, 2012

Last Updated: Wednesday, November 1, 2023

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