Secretary of State Clinton Recognizes JMU Center for Partnership
NewsWASHINGTON, D.C.—Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton recognized the Center for International Stabilization and Recovery at James Madison University today for its part in producing a Department of State report on the United State's Conventional Weapons Destruction Program.

For the past four years, CISR staff have designed and printed the annual report, "To Walk The Earth in Safety," which is published in a full-color magazine format. Today marked the 10th anniversary of the magazine.
Suzanne Fiederlein, associate director of CISR, said, "It has been extremely rewarding to work with the Department of State over the past decade as it has taken a lead role in international efforts to remove landmines and other explosive remnants of war to make the world a safer place."
The U.S. Weapons Destruction Program is a collaboration between the Department of State, Department of Defense, the U.S. Agency for International Development and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
"To Walk the Earth in Safety" documents U.S. involvement in helping countries recover from conflict and create safe environments for rebuilding infrastructure and returning displaced citizens. In fiscal year 2010, the Department of State provided $161.5 million in conventional weapons destruction assistance to 43 countries.
The CISR has a full-time staff to address specific post-conflict issues. Drawing on university programs and mine-action experience, CISR is in a unique position to facilitate integrative approaches and innovative solutions to explosive remnants of war/mine action information and training.
Dec. 19, 2011
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