Minutes of Presidential Search Committee Meeting
NewsThe Presidential Search Committee appointed by the Rector of the Visitors of James Madison University met on Thursday, June 2, 2011 in the Festival Conference and Student Center Board Room on the campus of James Madison University.
Summary of Discussions
Dr. Brian Charette, Assistant Vice President for Human Resources, Training and Performance and Ms. Yohna Chambers, Director of Human Resources presented an advanced session on foundational and advanced interviewing skills for the presidential search committee.
Chairman Joseph Damico presented an update on the progress of the presidential search and informed the committee that the planning stage had been completed and the recruiting stage was fully underway. Mr. Damico shared that advertising for the position had commenced, and that the presidential position advertisement had been posted in each of the following media outlets: The Chronicle of Higher Education, Inside Higher Ed, Diverse Magazine, Hispanic Outlook, and Women in Higher Education.