JMU Board of Visitors Summary of Actions/Discussions


The James Madison University Board of Visitors met Friday, October 1, 2010, in the Board Room of Madison's Festival Conference and Student Center. 

Following is a summary of actions taken by the board and key areas of discussion at the board meeting: 

* Approved the June 4, 2010 BOV meeting minutes; 

* Received the President's report presented by Dr. Linwood Rose; 

* Heard and approved committee reports from Athletics, Audit, Development, Education & Student Life, and Finance & Physical Development; 

* Approved the discontinuance of the masters of Public Health Program and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences degree; 

* Approved the Hospitality Management major; 

* Approved the bond resolution for athletic and recreational fields; 

* Approved easements to Columbia Gas and Verizon; 

* Received an update on the North Campus renovations and transition timeline; 

* Reviewed and approved revisions to the Violence Prevention Policy presented by Ms. Susan Wheeler, University Counsel; 

* Approved Operating Budget requests for 2011-2012 presented by Mr. Charles King, Senior Vice President of Administration and Finance; 

* Approved the purchases of 1165, 1167 and 1169 Harrison Street as well as 1441 Butler Street. 

Was told by President Linwood H. Rose: 

* that JMU implemented doctorate programs in Nursing and Counseling, masters programs in Communication and Advocacy, and bachelors programs in Sport and Recreation Management; 

* that Phi Beta Kappa commenced its first full academic year at JMU; 

* that JMU was included in the Princeton Review's "The Best 373 Colleges: 2011 Edition";

* that JMU ranked 169 on Forbes' list of "America's Best Colleges for 2010";

* that JMU was named the Number 1 public regional university in the South for the 17th consecutive year by U.S. News & World Report in its 2011 edition of "Best Colleges";

* that JMU's Alternative Break Program was named this year's Break Away National Program of the Year. Previously the program received this recognition in 1999; 

* Dr. Rose discussed additional topics including Madison for Keeps, the transformation of the alcohol culture at JMU, stewardship of the natural world, athletics and facilities. 

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Published: Friday, October 1, 2010

Last Updated: Tuesday, October 31, 2023

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