2009 Board of Visitors Meeting Summary of Actions/Discussions
NewsThe James Madison University Board of Visitors met Monday, June 15, 2009, in the Board Room of Madison's Festival Conference and Student Center.
Following is a summary of actions taken by the board and key areas of discussion at the board meeting:
- Approved April 13, 2009 BOV meeting minutes;
- Election of Officers;
- Heard and approved committee reports from Athletics, Development, Audit, Education & Student Life, and Finance & Physical Development;
- Received a Financial Aid update presented by Ms. Lisa Tumer, Director of Financial Aid and Scholarships, and Mr. Brad Barnett, Senior Associate Director of Financial Aid and Scholarships;
- Approved recognition resolutions;
- The 2009-2010 budget was presented by Mr. Charles King, Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance;
- 2009-2010 budget was approved;
Was told by President Linwood H. Rose:
- that Jamey Szalay, JMU Junior, earns Goldwater Scholarship;
- that Zachary Bortolot, assistant professor of Integrated Science and Technology, wins Sustainable Business and Entrepreneurship Competition;
- that Traci Cox, JMU Alumna, prepares for Fulbright Assignment in Slovakia;
- that Jeff Forbes was named CAA Men's Golf Co-coach of the year;
- that Softball won the CAA championship;
- that JMU was invited to join the Chesapeake Crescent;
- that JMU was approved for Level II Authorization.