The Student Affairs Assessment Council meets monthly during the academic year to discuss ideas and resources that will enhance assessment practices within Student Affairs. The council serves the Student Affairs Vice President and Associate Vice Presidents and makes recommendations regarding assessment practices in the division.

Our Mission

The Student Affairs Assessment Council will promote, support and educate Student Affairs departments and staff in matters pertaining to the assessment of student learning and development.


We envision Student Affairs becoming a culture that embraces evidence-based programming where the assessment of student learning and development is pervasive throughout its departments.


We value:

  • Use of assessment results to allocate resources, enhance programs/services and provide a platform for "storytelling" about Student Affairs programming.
  • Collaboration across campus boundaries to support assessment initiatives.
  • Integrity and ethics in decision-making.
  • Learning facilitated by Student Affairs members utilizing educational resources and opportunities related to assessment.
  • Excellence in the use of assessment best practices and models. 


Our objectives for accomplishing our mission are:

  • To provide meaningful advice and information to the Senior Vice President and Associate Vice Presidents of Student Affairs in matters pertaining to assessment.
  • To raise awareness of assessment practices within Student Affairs.
  • To act as a consulting body to assist departments and members within Student Affairs in completing their assessment initiatives.
  • To serve as a liaison between Student Affairs and the Center for Assessment and Research Studies (CARS).

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