Aimee Johnson brings a focus on research methods to health sciences department


By: Caroline Whitlow
Creative Services Student Writer

PHOTO: Aimee Johnson

Aimee Johnson has joined the department as a professor of health sciences with a focus on research methods.

Johnson’s passion for health began in a high school anatomy class.  This class inspired her to pursue a pre-med track with a psychology major during her time as an undergraduate at Baylor University.  As Johnson moved through the curriculum, she became fascinated by health research methods.

This interest led her to a research internship paired with a doctoral program.  She was introduced to many different tracks in clinical psychology while working towards her Ph.D., where she composed a psychological distress scale for her dissertation.  Johnson then joined a postdoctoral program in cancer research at Wake Forest University, where she gained perspectives on everything from grant writing to lab work.

Independently, Johnson spends time researching prominent women’s issues such as sexual health and body image.  She has been mentored by professionals who have experience working with breast cancer survivors and postmenopausal women. She looks for ways to combine topics in a way that is applicable to college women.  Johnson plans on soliciting student involvement in further studies.

“After working as a teaching assistant in grad school, I’m excited for having my own classroom and getting to know the students,” said Johnson.  “I hope I’ll have some student volunteers and interns that will be able to get involved with my research.”

Q & A

What is your favorite guilty pleasure food? Probably pizza.  I can eat one of those really big slices from Benny’s—one time, I ate two of those.

Dog or cat person?  Definitely a dog person.  I have a boxer-Rhodesian ridgeback mix named Lily.

What is your favorite JMU tradition? I have heard that they bring puppies during finals week.  I’m excited to see what that’s all about.  I’ve also heard that JMU has a lot of self care for students, and this commitment to the students really excites me.

What advice would you offer to 20-year-old you?  Be more open minded.  I was so set on going to med school that I didn’t want anything else.  It took some time to realize that things don’t always work that way, and if other doors shut, you have to be open to new experiences.

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Published: Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Last Updated: Thursday, November 2, 2023

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