Summer Springboard puts ‘Welcome to the Family’ in action

Student Life

Throughout June and July, our Office of Orientation hosts one-day Summer Springboard events for our newest Dukes—both incoming freshmen and transfer students.

In one jam-packed day, incoming students get to meet with their academic adviser and learn about the expectations of being a part of our campus community. They also get a wealth of timely advice from their Orientation Peer Adviser, who is a current JMU student. 

Summer Springboard is designed with the goal in mind of facilitating a successful transition to Madison. The day includes chances to eat at one of JMU’s award-winning dining facilities and learn a good deal about the myriad of student services and student resources available on campus.

Visit for more details. 

Summer Springboard is one more step on the path to preparing the newest crop of Dukes for the rigor and the fun of life at JMU.

Summer Springboard Peer Discussion on the Quad/
Scenes like this play out all across campus as incoming students get chances to share, learn and bond.

Summer-Springboard-College-MeetingCollege of Integrated Science and Engineering Dean Bob Kolvoord gives the newest Dukes and their parents helpful hints on what it takes to succeed.

Summer-Springboard-University-WelcomeLearning The JMU Duuuuuukes cheer is a tried-and-true part of every Summer Springboard experience.

Summer-Springboard-Group-AdvisingGroup advising sessions like this one are a key component to the Summer Springboard experience. They offer incoming students the chance to get answers to their most pressing questions, while also providing each new Duke with yet another taste of what academic life at JMU is all about.

Transfer-Springboard-Resource-FairThe Transfer Springboard Resource Fair affords new Dukes the opportunity to find out about clubs, organizations, student life and more of what awaits them at their new home.

Transfer-Summer-Springboard-AdvisingChris Campbell helps a transfer Duke move through the advising and enrollment phase of the day. Campbell and fellow academic advisers are vital cogs in the process as the newest Dukes get themselves ready for the upcoming academic year.

To learn more about JMU Orientation, visit

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Published: Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Last Updated: Wednesday, November 1, 2023

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