A $2 billion election: Where does it all come from?


The head of a national think tank that tracks money in U.S. politics and three James Madison University political science faculty members talked about campaign finance, reform proposals, the Tea Party movement and expert predictions about the mid-term election campaign at a public event Thursday, Oct. 28, at JMU. 

Sheila Krumholz, executive director of the Center for Responsive Politics, presented "Who's Paying for this Election? Money, Politics, and the 2010 Election" at 7 p.m. in Room 1101, Miller Hall. The CRP, which tracks money in U.S. politics and its effect on elections and public policy, is a nonpartisan, independent and nonprofit research group in Washington, D.C., that promotes government transparency through its website, http://www.opensecrets.org/

Krumholz spoke for about 30 minutes. Following her lecture, JMU faculty members Drs. Valerie Sulfaro, Marty Cohen and Tim LaPira commented on other important aspects of the 2010 campaign. Sulfaro covered campaign finance reform proposals in light of the recent Citizens' United Supreme Court decision, Cohen discussed the impact of the Tea Party movement on the Republican Party and in American politics generally and LaPira summarized expert predictions about the election and interpret what it will mean for President Barak Obama's policy agenda. 

A question-and-answer session completed the program. The lecture and discussion was sponsored by JMU's Department of Political Science. 

Related Links: 

Be the ChangeCitizenship 

Washington PostHouse and Senate Shatter Fundraising Records for Midterm Election and May Exceed $2 Billion 

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Published: Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Last Updated: Tuesday, October 31, 2023

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