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Office: Keezell 212

Fall 2024 Office Hours: Tu/Th 11:00am-12:30pm, schedule through Calendly 

B.A. University of Chicago (honors)
M.A. University of Virginia
M.A. Columbia University
School of Criticism and Theory, Cornell University
M.Phil. Columbia University
Ph.D. Columbia University

Professor Rebhorn works at the intersections of nineteenth-century American Literature, theater history, performance studies, and the medical humanities.  He is the author of Pioneer Performances: Staging the Frontier (Oxford University Press, 2012; paperback, 2014) and Embodiment in Nineteenth-Century American Literature (Cambridge University Press, 2024).  He is currently pursuing two new projects.  The first is a critical monograph exploring the “rhythm of reading” in nineteenth-century American narrative, and the subversive political effects of reading stories in, and out of, time.  The second is a public history recovering, for the first time, the rich, bizarre, and startling story of New York City’s Bowery Theater, the theater that helped shape the development of American entertainment from the nineteenth century to today.  

His articles and chapters have appeared in, among other venues, Callaloo, Early American Literature, Nineteenth-Century Literature, Theatre Journal, ESQ, and Studies in the Novel.  At JMU, his projects have been supported by the Edna T. Shaeffer Award, the College of Arts and Letters Summer Research Award, and the Office of Research & Scholarship’s Faculty Fellows Program.  Outside of JMU, his work has been supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Harvard University’s Houghton Library, the Library Company of Philadelphia, the American Antiquarian Society, and the National Endowment for the Humanities.




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