Preview Process

The preview process occurs at the Provost's level through the Provost's Curriculum Conference (PCC). PCC review is the first step in the approval process for all new programs or programs requiring resources. PCC review ensures the proposed program fits JMU's mission, has been well-researched and planned, and has resources available for the new program before the proposal can move forward.

Most course proposals and program change proposals do not have to go through the preview process. If course proposals are part of a new program, they should be packaged along with the program proposal.

Proposals that must go through PCC previews include:

  1. New programs, including majors/degrees programs, minors, certificate programs, and some concentrations at the Graduate level
  2. Program changes that require additional resources
  3. Significant changes to a current program (may include program deletions)
  4. Program changes that affect General Education
  5. Program changes that significantly affect other programs or units across campus
  6. Any proposal that must go to SCHEV may be required to go through PCC preview

Academic Unit Level

Course and program proposals must be reviewed and voted on at the academic unit level of all areas involved in their offering.

  • If a course is cross-listed, it must be approved at the academic unit level by all areas involved. For example, the course ACTG/MGT 333 must be approved by the School of Accounting and the Management Program.
  • If a course is dual-level, it must be reviewed by both the graduate and undergraduate programs.
  • If the course is used by different programs, all units using that course must approve the changes (some exceptions apply).
  • Program proposals involving courses housed in other units must be approved by those other units.

The Academic Unit C&I Chair and the Academic Unit Head must approve a course or program proposal before it can move to the college-level review.

Some courses and program proposals require the approval of additional departments at the academic unit level. If a course offering involves the following areas, they must be notified and vote on the proposal before it can proceed:

  • General Education
  • Honors
  • IDLS
  • Teacher Education

College Level

Course proposals must be reviewed and voted on by the College Curriculum Committee of all involved areas. If a course is cross-listed, it must be approved at the college level by all colleges with academic units involved in its offering. Program proposals involving courses from other colleges must be approved by all colleges with academic units involved.

The College C&I Chair and the College Dean must approve course and program proposals before they can move to university review.

Graduate School Review

Graduate course proposals are reviewed by the Graduate Council, then the dean of the Graduate School. 

University Level

After being approved at the academic unit, the college, and if appropriate, The Graduate School, course and program proposals are available for a university-wide review. Any faculty member can review the proposal during this time. All proposals are available for university review for two weeks.

Final Review

All curriculum proposals are reviewed by the Associate Vice Provost for Curriculum. This is the final step before proposals are entered into PeopleSoft and the undergraduate or graduate catalog.

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