
Cluster 1: Skills for the 21st Century
- Dr. Gretchen Hazard, Cluster Coordinator, hazardga@jmu.edu
- Dr. Brian Leventhal, Assessment Liaison, leventbc@jmu.edu

Cluster 2: Arts and Humanities
- Dr. Dennis Beck, Cluster Coordinator, beckdc@jmu.edu
- Dr. John Hathcoat, Assessment Liaison, hathcojd@jmu.edu

Cluster 3: the Natural World
- Dr. Steve Baedke, (Interim) Cluster Coordinator, baedkesj@jmu
- Dr. John Hathcoat, Assessment Liaison, hathcojd@jmu.edu

Cluster 4: Social and Cultural Processes
- Dr. Skip Hyser, Cluster Coordinator, hyserrm@jmu.edu
- Dr. Christine DeMars, Assessment Liaison, demarsce@jmu.edu

Cluster 5: Individuals in the Human Community
- Dr. David Daniel, Cluster Coordinator, danieldb@jmu.edu  
- Dr. John Hathcoat, Assessment Liaison, hathcojd@jmu.edu

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