7/25/2023 — Move-in appointment information for upperclassmen students

This email was sent by the Office of Residence Life.




Dear Student,

Please carefully read this email and forward it to those who will be helping you move in.  Discuss your move in plan together prior to creating a move in appointment.  Move in appointment selection begins August 3.

*If you are part of an early arrival group, you do not need to sign up for a move in appointment time.  Please follow the instructions of your group's advisor, coach, or supervisor.

We are excited to offer you the opportunity to select your move in appointment for Fall 2023.  Upperclass student move in dates are Sunday, August 20 and Monday, August 21.  Move in appointments will begin at 8AM, and the last appointment will be at 5PM. 


Move in appointments are in 1 hour increments, but that is not the time limit to unpack and set up your room.  The 1 hour appointment is the time you are scheduled to arrive.  You then have 30 minutes to unload your vehicle and move the vehicle to the designated parking area.  After unloading and moving the vehicle, you can begin unpacking and setting up your room.

You will be able to select your move in appointment beginning at the time below based on the building where you will be living. You will not be able to choose an appointment prior to your time. However, you can choose an appointment after your time and anytime prior to August 14 at noon. In addition, you can make changes to your appointment time until August 14 at noon. All move-in appointments will be finalized at 12:00PM on August 14.


When your appointment selection begins, please log into the Online Housing System, select "Forms," and click "Move-In Appointment Selection."

Move In Appointment Selection Times





August 3


Apartments on Grace

August 3


Jennings Hall

August 3


Wampler Hall

August 3


Converse Hall

August 3


Harper Allen-Lee Hall

August 3


Alpha Phi House, Phi Mu House, Alpha Delta Pi House, Phi Sigma Sigma House

August 3


Gamma Phi Beta House, Alpha Sigma Alpha House, Zeta Tau Alpha House, Sigma Sigma Sigma House

August 3


Alpha Sigma Tau House, Sigma Kappa House, Delta Delta Delta House, Kappa Alpha Theta House


More information about move in will be sent shortly in a separate email.

We look forward to your arrival! If you have any questions, please contact us at res-life@jmu.edu or 540-568-4663.

Thank you,
Office of Residence Life

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Published: Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Last Updated: Thursday, November 2, 2023

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