Final Comment Opportunity for QEP Proposals Ends Sept. 4

JMU News

It is now time for the final round of public comment on Quality Enhancement Plan proposals. As you may remember, the QEP is part of James Madison University's reaffirmation of accreditation by SACS, our accrediting body. During the spring semester five QEP proposals were selected to be fully developed into white papers for further consideration. The process is now in its final stage and the JMU community can take one last look at the proposals on the QEP Blog. So far, your input on the blog has been an important element in the process of selecting a JMU QEP. Please help shape this final round with your constructive ideas on how any or all of the final proposals can be made even better. 

This period of public comment will end September 4. After that, university leadership will assess all the input and make a final selection. Then it's on to creating an implementation plan.

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Published: Monday, August 29, 2011

Last Updated: Wednesday, November 1, 2023

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