Tue, 23 Apr 2024 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Location: Wine-Price Building
Description: safeTALK teaches participants to recognize and engage persons who might be having thoughts of suicide and to connect them with community resources trained in suicide intervention. safeTALK stresses safety while challenging taboos that inhibit open talk about suicide. The safeTALK learning process is highly structured, providing graduated exposure to practice actions. The program is designed to help participants age 15 or older to monitor the effect of false societal beliefs that can cause otherwise caring and helpful people to miss, dismiss, or avoid suicide alerts and to practice the TALK steps to move past these three barriers.
The more that people are trained in this type of program in our community, the greater likelihood that we can reduce the possibilities of suicide in our communities and with people we know and care about.
Learning Objectives:
- Be prepared to recognize potential signs that a person is having thoughts of suicide,
- learn to ask them about those thoughts
- Connect a person with thoughts of suicide to resources that can keep them safe.
Facilitated by: Matthew Hunsberger, Assistant Dean of Students and/or Cassidy Mechalske, Asst. Dir. SOGIE and/or Jeremy Hawkins, Assistant Dir. For Off-Campus Life, and/or Brit Hook, Graduate Hall Director