Talent Development

Event Planning at JMU: Everyone Can Benefit (TD1006)

Tue, 18 Jul 2023 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Location: Wine-Price Building

Description: Outstanding occasions don’t just happen… they are created by planning ahead! Need help in planning your event? If so, join the JMU Event Management Team members as they guide you through the process of putting together the perfect event. Important resources and helpful hints will be shared with participants! Don’t panic, plan! Attendees will also gain access to the Event Management System online scheduling software and be given a brief tutorial on how to request space. 

Type of Information: Primarily receiving data
Level of Interaction: 
Limited Sharing
Extent of Practice: 
Little to no practice

Facilitated by: Sue Burket, Assistant Director, JMU Event Management; Deanna Carter, Coordinator, JMU Event Management;As well as guest speakers from: Parking Services; Public Safety; Office of Equal Opportunity; Office of Disability Services; and Aramark Catering

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