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Past Events

Lewis Mountain Picnic (UREC program)- Sat, 22 Apr 2017 11am-3pm: Join UREC Adventure and the Center for Multicultural Student Services for a picnic to Lewis Mountain Campground in Shenandoah National Park. You will have the opportunity to enjoy a free picnic lunch, a short hike and the opportunity to learn about the history of segregation in Shenandoah National Park and Lewis Mountain's role in this history. The program is provided free of charge due to funding from the Outdoor Foundation and the National Park Service. Transportation is provided. Meet at the UREC Adventure Center at 11am sharp.

Earth Day 2017 Flashpoint-Protecting Scientific Knowledge, Protecting the Environment. Thur, 20 Apr 2017: The Flashpoint brings together faculty experts in environmental science, law, policy, conservation and renewable energy on the occasion of the 2017 Earth Day and the Scientists March on Washington April 22. Panelists will consider major issues concerning the preservation and dissemination of scientific research focused on the environment as well as existing or threatened protections of the earth, water, and air in our local community and beyond. 

East Campus Hillside Fifth Anniversary Celebration- Wed, 19 Apr 2017, 1-2:30pm: Cupcakes and Tours, no registration needed.

Environment/Sustainability Networking -Wed, 4 Apr 2017 4-5pm: For faculty who are interested in environment/sustainability teaching and research.  This will be a great opportunity to meet others from across campus, and obtain an update on where JMU is regarding sustainability initiatives.  All employees are welcome. Sponsored by the Office of Cross Disciplinary Studies and Diversity Engagement.

Phytopolitics - Four Forays into Vegetation: Lecture by Dr. Cate Sandilands- Wed, 18 Jan 2017 5-6pm: In recent years, a growing body of research has emerged to indicate that plants demonstrate qualities that should rightly be called intelligence: they sense the world through a complex perceptual apparatus, respond to problems, and even communicate their perceptions and responses to both plant and animal others. At the same time, plants are currently treated as disposable, dead commodities on a scale unprecedented in human history: industrial agriculture, landscaping, and pharmacology, for example, have almost completely reduced plants to the status of "standing reserve" or "bare life." This presentation takes four interdisciplinary forays into the complex world of plant politics -- including combinations of botany, philosophy, literature, and anthropology -- in order to investigate this apparent paradox, with the aim of stimulating more attentive and reflective human/vegetal relations. Vegetation, here, appears as a complex practice that requires people to both reimagine and resituate plants.  Hosted by The Cohen Center for the Study of Technological Humanities.

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