COVID-19 Update - Sept. 21

JMU News

Dear JMU Family,

Update on Cases

The university observed 10 new positive cases of COVID-19 on Friday, Sept. 18, 7 on Saturday, Sept. 19, and 3 on Sunday, Sept. 20, as well as 11 self-reported positive cases. Over the weekend, 12 cases became considered “recovered,” meaning they were diagnosed as positive more than 10 days ago and are no longer infectious. At 99, the number of open quarantine and isolation beds continues to increase, and the percentage of positive test results continues to fall. More information can be found on the University Health Center dashboard. De-densifying campus was a necessary step to protect the community. However, individuals must continue to follow public health guidance by wearing masks, maintaining physical distance and washing hands frequently. 

Return to In-Person and Hybrid Classes Oct. 5

The university announced Friday that it plans to return to in-person and hybrid learning on Oct. 5. Details regarding what conditions will have changed by then to allow for a safer environment can be found here. More specific details such as move-in dates and logistics are forthcoming. 

Regular Flu Shots

Many doctors are suggesting that getting a regular flu shot during the pandemic is even more important than in normal flu seasons. Of course, it won’t protect you from COVID-19, but it will reduce the need to test symptomatic students who are not positive for COVID. Plus, the possibility of contracting both the regular flu and COVID-19 could worsen the impact of both. The University Health Center will be conducting regular flu shot clinics in early October. Click here for the dates and additional details. 

Are you missing Potty Mouth? 

Now you can enjoy this popular University Health Center newsletter found in bathroom stalls across campus anywhere! The latest issue provides great information regarding COVID-19, telemedicine and other UHC services.

Stop the Spread HELPline

If you have questions and can’t readily find the answer in our FAQs, call the Stop the Spread HELPline, which is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The toll-free number is 888-886-3131. And don’t forget, many of your questions can be answered here. Call center agents also will be answering questions sent to, and you can submit questions via a form on the University Health Center site.

Stay safe, and please remember that the only vaccine currently available for COVID-19 is solidarity. And download the COVIDWISE app!

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Published: Monday, September 21, 2020

Last Updated: Wednesday, October 16, 2024

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