Talent Development

Own the Room With Personal Presence (TD2547)

Wed, 28 Jun 2023 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Location: Wine-Price Building

Description: Do you know someone who can turn people's heads in respectful admiration no matter where they go? That person has a strong personal presence.

This workshop teaches you how to develop your own personal presence using tips and practice scenarios, because a strong presence is not something we're born with. Learn to turn heads with your polished appearance and the way you carry yourself. Draw people in with the way you think, speak and act. Whether you're a leader or aspire to be one, these skills, habits and traits will help you get and keep people's attention.

Learning Objectives:

  • State three aspects that contribute to personal presence.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of proper dress and body language.
  • Engage an audience through storytelling.
  • Apply the SEER format in any given scenario.

Type of Information: Receiving data and practice
Level of Interaction: Extensive sharing
Extent of Practice: Scenarios and activities

Facilitated by: Jules Myers, Professional Development Specialist, Talent Development

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