Talent Development

Introduction to Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (TD1242)

Thu, 2 Mar 2023 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Location: Wine-Price Building

Description: The most widely used personality inventory in the world provides a picture of a person's personality type determining preferences on four dichotomies: extraversion-introversion; sensing-intuition; thinking-feeling; judging-perceiving. Combinations of these preferences result in 16 personality types. Understanding characteristics unique to each personality type can provide insight on how they influence an individual's way of communicating and interacting with others. The application can promote personal and professional growth and development and can enhance leadership and coaching, team development, conflict resolution, retention, culture and working relationships.

Type of Information: Receiving data and practicing
Level of Interaction: Pair and table sharing
Extent of Practice: Scenarios and activities

Facilitated by: Jennifer Keach, Director of Organizational Learning & Development, JMU Libraries

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