Talent Development

Introduction to Nonviolent Communication (TD2580)

Thu, 9 Feb 2023 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Location: Wine-Price Building

Description:Nonviolent Communication (NVC) was designed as a way of resolving conflict, yet its application is wide-ranging and its use improves understanding and compassion and strives to meet the needs of all involved. Using NVC at work makes it easier to sustain collaboration towards a shared purpose because of improved communication. With practice, challenging conversations become opportunities for clear communication and feedback is welcomed as a source for positive development.

In this session participants will:

  • Understand what NVC is
  • Identify the 4 components of NVC
  • Understand the importance of identifying needs for improved communication & relationship development
  • Practice using NVC 

Type of Information: Receiving data and practicing
Level of Interaction: Pair and table sharing
Extent of Practice: Scenarios and activities

Facilitated by: Jules Myers, Professional Development Specialist, Talent Development

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